Sexpo 2015
In 2014, S*xpo cancelled their Melbourne event as they feared they would not have enough numbers in attendance. It was a relief to me as we operate with such limited resources. I am confortable going to S*xpo. It is the world I have known, in secret, for a decade. In 2002 after a year of study on a scholarship from Québec, Canada to Melbourne, Australia, I was lured into the legal sex industry of Victoria. I now stand against it.
Thank you for your compassion for me. We survivors of prostitution live forever with the scars that this industry leaves on us. Visible, invisible, insidious and, at times, steaming from generational trauma. Please continue help me break the cycle of violence by standing with me in this fight against male entitlement for sex, and continue to selflessly donate your finances, time, talents and thoughts to us so we can continue to run Pink Cross Foundation Australia.
Your financial donations meant at lot to me. I was able to print important material, rent the trade show booth and make myself available to dozens of men and women for them to hear the other side of the not-so-glamourous sex industry.
I am thankful for the numerous volunteers who stepped up and sacrificed parts of their own lives to touch S*xpo visitors and exhibitors’ hearts. I was grateful that I could provide training material for volunteers — some of them joining in at the last minute —in order to prepare them best for communicating with hundreds of people per day.
You may have seen me with my pink wig talking to people and taking notes. This is part of a project I call Miracle Day. All volunteers involved joyfully participated in this relational art project, where they asked the crowd: ‘If there was a miracle I could do in your own personal life, what would it be?’
I was also asked to take part in a debate with Upper House elected Member of Parliament, and S*x Party Founder, Fiona Patten. It was a last minute suggestion by herself as some of her Twitter supporters— seeing that we were preparing to take part in S*xpo — questioned our exhibitors’ acceptance as an organisation at that trade show. ‘They are against us, so why should they be there?’ After all, Patten was part of the initial management team who created the group, she shared with me.
I was not in a public debate mode. I was in an operational mode and unprepared both emotionaly and mentally to answer questions. I asked her that the questions be known in advance, that anyone wanting to interact with me would be respectful. I was warned by many of you about how truth would be twisted when it would come down to making information public. I was thorn inside. I really want to be a vehicle for change, as I feel I am called to speak up against injustice.
I became very ill the day the debate was going to take place. Anxiety and stress created acute gastrointestinal pains. In other words, I had extreme nausea and litteraly vomited all day. Unbeknownst to me, I now read that it is factually recognised as one of the symptom of intense fear. Prostituted women are recognised to numb the pain of the constant ‘paid’ rapes we face, and not be able to assess rightly what is dangerous in that lifestyle and other spheres of our lives. This was revealed to me by reading Irish author and survivor Rachel Moran’s memoir, Paid For. We have been trained to live with pain and hurt, and accept it as normal. We have been trained not to feel pain, and to have no fear. Maybe I still have work to do on this. I have always been renowned for my gregarious and adventurous nature. I thought when I became a believer in God —a Christian —that I would start living a more conservative life. And I did, in a way. Yet, I chose, as a means of self-care and as a recovery tool, to channel my energy into a cause I truly believed in.
Thank you to all who jumped in to volunteer on the first day when I was bed ridden. I made it to the event to check if the booth was set up the right way. Pro-sex work activists took photos of me and spread lies. I don’t lie anymore. I repented from lying for the ten years of my life I lived a double-life. I am bold with the truth now.
I was interviewed on Double X-2ser radio: All Women’s news and Current Affairs by Eliza Berlage on Nov 9, 2015. Also on the show Janelle Fawlkes from Scarlett Alliance, Fiona Patten and porn star Lucie Bee. Upon writing this article, I realised that they took the radio segment offline. It might have been too controversial, I suppose…as I mentioned that I care for the women at S*xpo and that pornography is oppression against women. Fawkes, Pattens and Bee all standing for their own personal, commercial, exploitative, self-serving agendas. It was interesting to find that, as I just started following Elena Jeffreys—Scarlett Alliance’s founder—on Twitter that her profile reads the following: ‘Sex worker tweeting about sex work, life, politics & the world. Almost PhD in Political Science & International Studies. Proud drug user, living with Hep C.’
Loving people unconditionally. Loving the way Jesus loves people; with compassion, patience, forgiveness and gentleness. Loving in an informed way. Loving like a radfem, a radical feminist who is looking at the root causes of girls and women’s oppression. Loving men who care for the cause of the oppressed. Encouraging men to stand up against porn, and influence their peers to treat women with respect. Without God in my life, I would still not have forgiven my biological father for leaving his wife Suzanne, mum of three girls including a mentally disabled one, in material poverty. Leading me to hate men, to accumulate study debts, and to be burned by the prostitution industry. Today, I embrace men’s capacity to influence the world in favor of social justice. You are this man. You know this man. Tell him about Pink Cross. Tell him about our important work.
I will leave it at this for now, unedited and raw, in all the glory of my second language writing skills! Would you be keen to volunteer to revise my texts once in a while get in touch at info at We are all longing for a much needed break. A Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, precious friends and supporters. See you in 2016!
With agape love,
Geneviève, Founder and CEO Pink Cross Foundation Australia
You are invited to a free dinner and get together
DATE: Friday, 4 December 2015
WHERE: 507 Elizabeth Street, Multicultural Hub, Timber Room. For former or current sex workers/prostitutes only.
YOU MUST REGISTER before attending! Email, or SMS [number withheld.] This is a safe place and a women-only, 18+ event. No flyers, harassment or verbal violence will be tolerated. Join us for live music, great chats and prayers in front of a delicious and nutritious meal.