Pink Cross Foundation Australia Submission to the Federal Enquiry into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Australia from Pink Cross Australia Ltd. on Vimeo.
Transcript – Media Release
Pink Cross is calling for National Administration of Prostitution with The Australian Equality Bill #AusEqualityBill2021
This video was produced in response to the Federal Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence.
On 4 June 2020, the Australian House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs adopted an inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence. The inquiry was referred by the Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, and the Minister for Families and Social Services, Senator Hon Anne Ruston.
The Pink Cross Foundation Incorporated is a NOT for profit charity supporting women wishing to transition out of and recover from the violence of prostitution.
We have responded to this inquiry with a comprehensive document outlining the reasons why prostitution laws should be overseen by a National government, in order to better protect Australian women from human sexual trafficking, and other violent crimes such as rape, and murder.
We have also offered twenty six proposed solutions and recommendations to end domestic, family, and sexual violence against women.
Today we are posting copies of this book – a collection of stories of survival from women who experienced this insidious and invisible practice of serving men’s sexual desires in exchange for a financial reward. Least to say that women’s economic independence is paramount to end violence against women.
12 Committee members are overseeing this enquiry, including Member of Parliament Mr. Andrew Wallace, as Chair of the House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs, and Ms. Sharon Claydon, Member of Parliament, as Deputy Chair.
A new bill has just been created in the Senate by the Morrison Government, to better protect and advance Australia’s interests with a consistent foreign policy. The Australian Foreign Relations Bill 2020, as the Hon Senator Payne states, will allow all levels of government to speak with one voice in our dealings with other countries.
Aligned with the same paradigms, we call for The Australian Equality Model of Prostitution Bill 2021, which aims to manage, at the source, demand for the sexual abuse of vulnerable Australians through the prostitution transaction. The Bill will allow accountability of those who have the privilege of economic independence, and decriminalise and protect those who, through poverty, resort to prostitution in order to survive. For help, email
Presenter: Geneviève Gilbert, Founder and Director, The Pink Cross Foundation Australia Inc. ©️ 2020
Georgina Anderson – Psychotherapist
Selena Ewing – Copywriter
Mellissa Lim – Board Member
Paul Gould – Board Member
Andrea Tokaji – Consultant
Venessa Bestel – Volunteer
Dr. Caroline Norma and Melinda Tankard Reist
Editors of Prostitution Narratives: Stories of Survival in the Sex Trade
(the book featured in the video above)
Published by Spinifex Press