Secretary of Committee of Management
Prepare and maintain Pink Cross Foundation Australia official documents.
Act as any secretary would for a “supervisor” (in this case, the Board)
Record minutes of all Board meetings as well as minutes of any committees to which the Secretary is assigned, making sure all actions are duly noted -Keep a record of all policies approved by the Board in the Pink Cross policy manual -Maintain and monitor calendar of important dates such as grant filing dates, audit dates, etc. -Maintain records of any staff person including contracts, benefits, evaluations, etc. – Keep all records of Pink Cross in a safe place – Dispose of old documents only with the approval of the Board. Make sure all files are in good order for the next Board Secretary. – Act in a senior position to the ‘understudy’ Secretary who will be learning from you.
The meeting minutes should be used for: recording decisions, giving insight into why decisions were made, letting those who were not present familiarize themselves with what went on. For all of this, it is not necessary to: record everything, attach a speaker’s name to everything that is said, list every reason for and against a decision.